? Dual-Role USB Charging-Type Detector
? Host Mode – SDP/CDP/DCP y USB Device Plug-in and Unplug Detection in SDP/CDP modes
? Support USB Switch Pass-through for Mouse/Keyboard Wake up
? Client Mode USB Charging-type detection y Battery Charging 1.2 SDP/CDP/DCP y Proprietary 1A/2A/2.4A Modes
? Differential Bi-Directional USB Switche
? Wide Bandwidth: 2GHz
? 1MHz I2C Interface for Control and Communication with Pin Selection of up to Four Slave Addresses
? Shutdown Mode of <1?A Current Consumption
? Wide Power Supply Range : 2.7V – 5.5V
? Industrial Temperature Range: -40oC to 85oC
? UQFN 2mm x2mm